
Garden Grove : School’s New Word Game Provides Food for Thought

Words like “biopsy,” “equine,” “convivial” and “bellicose” have been appearing each day--alone--on the marquee at Bolsa Grande High School.

The word of the day also is repeated over the public address system, written on chalkboards in classrooms, and used by teachers.

The idea is to teach the 1,600 students at Bolsa Grande the meaning and pronunciation of at least one new word a day.


Students are exposed to the word at least five times, and every day Principal Don Wise randomly selects two or three students and asks the question: “What is the word of the day?”

If the student can pronounce the word, give its definition and use it correctly in a sentence, he or she receives a certificate for a food item from the student store.

The names of the winning students are announced daily.
