
Kasparov Wins His 2nd Game in Chess Match

Challenger Gary Kasparov scored his second victory against titleholder Anatoly Karpov on Wednesday in the world championship chess match in Moscow, ending a string of 14 consecutive draws.

Kasparov now trails Karpov 5 games to 2. Six victories are needed to win the match. Draws--40 so far--do not count in the scoring.

Kasparov’s victory was his first while playing the black pieces. He opened with the Cambridge Springs Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined, which was a surprise, and emerged from the opening with an equal position. After an early exchange of queens, Kasparov outplayed the champion. His 19th move broke open the center for threats against white’s king, and Karpov never recovered.


In previous games, Karpov has demonstrated his superiority in queenless positions but this time played weakly. Karpov, 33, has shown more signs of fatigue in the marathon match than his 21-year old challenger. Karpov once led 5-0 but has not won a game in more than two months and has rarely obtained a promising position.

Duration Records

Every game in the match--many of them short, colorless draws--sets new records for duration, including the number of games and the number of draws. Many observers expect that the sponsoring World Chess Federation will change the rules before the next scheduled match in 1986, with some suggesting a return to the 24-game format used from 1951 to 1972.

Karpov’s two previous title defenses, in 1978 and 1981, were conducted under the six-victory format and lasted 32 and 18 games. Karpov acquired the title of world champion when Bobby Fischer refused to play him in 1975.


The next game is scheduled Friday. Here are Wednesday’s moves:

Karpov-Kasparov 47, Moscow 1985: 1 Nf3 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 d4 d5 4 Nc3 c6 5 Bg5 Nbd7 6 e3 Qa5 7 cxd5 Nxd5 8 Qd2 N7b6 9 Nxd5 Qxd2+ 10 Nxd2 exd5 11 Bd3 a5 12 a4 Bb4 13 Ke2 Bg4+ 14 f3 Bh5 15 h4 0-0 16 g4 Bg6 17 b3 Bxd3+ 18 Kxd3 Rfe8 19 Rac1 c5 20 Bf4 Rac8 21 dxc5 Nd7 22 c6 bxc6 23 Rhd1 Nc5+ 24 Kc2 f6 25 Nf1 Ne6 26 Bg3 Red8 27 Bf2 c5 28 Nd2 c4 29 bxc4 Nc5 30 e4 d4 31 Nb1 d3+ 32 Kb2 d2, White Resigns.
