
Finn Fends Off Attacks at Forum With Foes

Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles City Councilman Howard Finn Monday night walked into the lion’s den in his first public appearance with the three challengers for his northeast San Fernando Valley seat in the April 9 election.

Before the Lake View Terrace Improvement Assn., Finn’s stands on a number of district issues came under attack, both from his challengers and most of the audience of about 50.

Finn’s three opponents--Louis Cichelli, Noel Horwin and Elton (Skip) Michael--drew applause by vowing, if elected, to oppose any construction along the Tujunga Wash.


Finn said he is waiting for the outcome of a county study defining the flood-prone areas before taking a stand on development there.

“You say there’s too much building around here,” said Finn, who at times engaged in a shouting match with the audience. “You don’t know how much building I’ve stopped.”

Finn also came under attack for accepting campaign contributions from developers. “I’m wondering how a man can accept contributions, and he could say I’m not going to be swayed,” Michael said.


“I don’t accept contributions from anybody I have to vote on,” Finn snapped.

Horwin, a past president of the Shadow Hills Property Owners Assn., attacked Finn for supporting Occidental Petroleum Corp.’s oil-drilling project in Pacific Palisades.

The normally mild-mannered Finn charged that his opponents had distorted his position on developing toxic-waste storage facilities.

Finn displayed a copy of a local homeowners’ association newspaper that said he had proposed four such facilities in the district.


Finn said the sites were proposed by a regional planning agency’s consultant. Finn said he only advocated state legislation giving cities the authority to pick locations of toxic-waste transfer facilities.

“We can go around and close our eyes and scream and kick our feet, but that isn’t going to solve any problems,” Finn said.

Finn is heavily favored to win his first reelection bid. After the Monday evening forum, he contended that the audience had been stacked with supporters of his opponents.

“This is a setup,” he said.
