

The Whittier Meals on Wheels program, celebrating its 14th anniversary, honored 250 volunteers at a recent luncheon.

Receiving special awards for more than 500 hours of service were Ilene Bates, La Oma Cassidy, Helen Fountain, Dianne Pellissier, Marian Thoms, Palma Turnquist and Jan Wood.

Among those honored for service to the program since its inception were Vera Auga, Bernetta Bishop, Alice Butcher, Joseph Chittum, Marion Cornwell, Camilla Jorgensen, Ann Kruse, Mollie McKenna, Margaret Merkel, Mary Fae Pickering, Martha Russell, Hazel Shesgreen and Martha Wolcott.


David Miller, senior pastor of the North Long Beach Brethren Church, has been elected to a three-year term on the Biola University board of trustees.

Sharon Whelan, assistant dean of liberal arts at Cerritos College, is one of 160 women in management participating in a six-month nationwide leadership training program for community colleges.

During the program, participants will be paired with mentors at their colleges to work on research projects and take part in special regional and national conferences and workshops.


The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education office of post secondary education.

Rio Hondo College students David Badgley, Robin King, Khanh Ta, Henry Vaca, Patricia Barta, Scott Neal, Todd Brubaker and Carole Purcell won awards in the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America Regional Vocational Competition at Cerritos College.
