
10 Years After Vietnam War

Too little, a decade too late! Suddenly, magazines and newspapers are full of articles concerning the Vietnam War and its veterans. Night after night, TV programs about the war and its veterans are being shown. Communities are holding rallies and parades for Vietnam veterans. Memorials are erected. I, for one, am unimpressed.

So now the country is finally expressing an interest in what really happened in Vietnam, and why. Finally expressing some interest, appreciation, and concern for the Vietnam veterans.

Too late! The 3 million who were sent to Vietnam will never forget or forgive the immorality of a government sending men to a war it finally had no intention of winning. Or our return to a country that blamed us for the Vietnam tragedy, instead of placing the blame where it belonged. On themselves, for electing the government that pursued the war.


Three million, a good part of an entire generation, treated like criminals, a sub-class of society, or at best, ignored, for more than a decade, because they followed the orders of their government and served in the military in Vietnam.

Too late! I lost my faith and pride in this country years ago.


North Hollywood
