
Wants to Take Over World, Oregon Guru Says

Associated Press

Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, in what followers called his first formal news interview, said Thursday that he wants his disciples to take over the world.

Rajneesh, who moved to this central Oregon commune-city with his disciples in 1981, was asked during an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America” whether he would like his followers to take control of Oregon.

“I would like them to take the whole world,” the 53-year-old guru replied.

His disciples have taken control of the community of Antelope, 18 miles from the commune, and renamed it City of Rajneesh.


That event, combined with reports that the Rajneeshees are stockpiling weapons at Rajneeshpuram, has strained relations with many Oregonians.

Rumors ‘Exaggerated’

But, in the interview conducted Wednesday night and broadcast Thursday, Rajneesh said that rumors about the weapons “are too much exaggerated.”

“This is something between those who love me and those who hate me,” he said.

Rajneesh said he has 90 Rolls-Royce automobiles and added: “All other religions are looking after the poor. At least leave me alone to look after the rich.”


He denied that he considers himself a god, saying, “God is the greatest lie invented by man.”

And he played down the sect’s reputation for free sex. “Yes, I believe in free sex,” he said. “ . . . No orgies are happening here, but I am not prohibiting them.”

The guru has spoken to reporters before but has never allowed them to ask questions, his disciples say.
