

I can assure you that, contrary to the implication of the article, Santa Barbarans are not here to provide yet another picturesque backdrop for the Hollywood crowd. If Eva Marie Saint thinks she is not approached because Santa Barbarans are especially “sensitive” to actors, she is wrong. She is not approached probably because she is not recognized.

The stars who are the ones most likely to be approached are the ones we wish to thank for doing some service or benefit for Santa Barbara. They are usually the ones that live here, and not the ones who float into town for a few days to “rest and unwind” and then float out again, without taking the time to contribute anything to the community that they supposedly love so much.

I think if you would have asked someone like Kenny Loggins, who has performed benefit concerts as well as visited local hospitals at Christmastime, what attracts him to Santa Barbara, I am sure you would have received an entirely different type of answer.



Santa Barbara
