
Disaster-Prone Areas in Malibu

I wish to respond to Laura Brown’s letter (Oct. 18), “Sue Somebody,” regarding the recent court decision concerning the Big Rock Mesa area of Malibu. My parents are among the people directly affected by the land-movement situation in that area of Malibu.

Brown’s letter is predicated upon a false conclusion that the residents of Big Rock have a groundless suit. The judge found on behalf of the Hansch family that their suit does have merit against Los Angeles County and, in fact, that the county is liable to them for the damages to their home. This ruling applied to the Hansch case only, not all the homes in the area, as stated in her letter.

The court also found that this was not an act of God, but a result of the county authorizing the use of cesspools instead of sewer drainage before the area was developed. The county also allowed water wells in the area to fall into disrepair, contributing to the rising water table, which in turn lubricated the ancient landslide, setting it in motion.


In response to her comment about the “fat cats in Malibu,” not every resident of Malibu is an actor or a rock musician. In fact, most residents affected by this situation are middle to upper-middle class people who work hard to be able to live there. In many instances their Malibu home represents their major asset.

Brown sees this situation as an example of the “sue somebody syndrome.” I see it as a fine example of our judicial system in action, making a decision based on facts in a very complicated and technical situation.


Sherman Oaks
