
‘What Did Jesus Say or Not Say?’

I am just an ordinary, everyday Christian without formal education beyond high school, but I could see immediately two glaring errors in the thinking of the so-called Jesus Seminar.

1--The fact that some of the sayings of Jesus were taken from the Psalms. Jesus was a Jew. Of course He was familiar with the Jewish writings of which the Psalms were an important part.

2--The statement that Jesus did not anticipate a mission to the Gentiles. Isaiah 42:6 calls Him “a light to lighten the Gentiles” and Jesus himself said “Other sheep have I which are not of this fold. Them I must bring also.”


As for His last words, read the 22nd Psalm. It begins, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Even from His cross He was doing rabbinical teaching because those few words brought to the minds of the Jewish hearers the entire Psalm.


