
Go for Gift-Giving Gusto This Christmas

If you ever needed an excuse to chose the tiara not the toaster, this is it. There are just 11 days until Christmas.

We’re not saying it makes sense. But trust us. This time of year, you can take it to the limit one more time and feel downright virtuous about it.

Think it over. Do you really want the plain, white socks when there are white socks with gold coins? They jingle.


While you are looking through the beige lingerie rack, just ask yourself. What’s wrong with red? Santa wears it.

Sci-fi sunglasses, jewel-button blouses, satin shoes, a sculptor’s handmade jewelry. Get the picture?

It can cost a mountain or a molehill, last forever or for now. It can be anything, as long as it tickles.
