
Maurer Elected President of State Builders

Forrest P. Maurer, president of the Tyler Corp., Sacramento, has been elected 1986 president of the California Building Industry Assn., succeeding Stan Swartz of San Diego. Maurer’s term begins Jan.1.

Other new officers of the association include: Joseph A. Farina, Westwood Properties, Fresno, first vice president; Roger C. Werbel, Roger C. Werbel Inc., Monterey Park, second vice president; Harold A. Boex, H & B Developers, Vallejo, treasurer, and Richard L. Hall, La Linda Homes, Orange, secretary.

Before moving to Sacramento in 1967, Maurer was a builder and member of the planning commission in Coral Gables, Fla.


Maurer said his priorities for 1986 include working for broad-based financing for school construction, controlling or reducing home buyer fees and membership and new association development priorities for the association.
