
Luminaires Juniors Are Riding Tall in the Saddle

Times Staff Writer

As the sun set on Mandalay, Cliff May’s retreat at the end of Sullivan Canyon, it was just as promised: a 10-gallon gala, a buckskin bonanza, the Old West. Luminaires Juniors sparkled with their “Rhinestone Roundup,” a little affair sure to net about $70,000 for the Estelle Doheny Eye Foundation. As 350 guests watched the Orange Blossom Cloggers in the “Boogie Grass Beat” and then joined the stomping on the dance floor, stompers Brent and Steve Kanaly (she was on the committee, he was in his “Dallas” duds, $2,000 belt and spurs) were a twosome: “This party qualifies,” he allowed in Texan understatement. “Texans could learn a few things from Cliff May and the Cloggers.”

Glitz, and lots of it, was OK. Wendy Greene was in fox, white Stetson and white boots. Candida Genzmer was a beauty in black leather, black spangles, black fringe with lots of copper and brass and rhinestones. Stephne Bennett was in shimmering silver. Debby Foster, co-chairman with Diane Moller, came in pink and green with studs and rhinestones galore. “High tack,” she said. Jenny Rutt, a Luminaires founder along with Sharon Davies and Emily Garner, had a rodeo flair. Irene Fowler wore gold lame stars on her white leather. “Pure glitz,” she added. Jane Gosden was in sparkle a-plenty red plaid.

Standing by the corraled stuffed bison, attorney Don Hromadka had some nice compliments for his wife Lucy, Luminaires president. “It’s a little tough. This is a lot of work, and I think the group did a wonderful job.” Lots of kudos were going to decorations chairman Georgia Dahl, and to Libby and Will Doheny, too. She corraled some high-rollin’ types for gifts for the auction block. Peter McCoy worked the noisy crowd, and brought an $11,000 bid for the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel beachfront package and first-class air fare for four. The Giba-Noblia full-length ranch mink went for $3,750, and the bid was well over $1,000 for the “dinner for eight at 8 o’clock” that will be prepared and served by the Christopher Cords, the Paul Millers, the William Dohenys Jr. and the Philip Fowlers.


The whole affair caused Charlie Munger to recall Nancy Astor’s description of “a rhinestone in the rough,” but he couldn’t remember who she’d referred to. Gordon Crary was in his jacket he always wears to the Bohemian Grove. “Note the sleeves are intact.” Both Nancy Munger (newly on the foundation board) and Mary Crowe (who founded the whole Luminaires organization) were prideful of the juniors group. “They’re attractive, and such hard workers,” Mary said. Supporters Larry and Billie Dea Crowe, Graham and Joan Ralph, Mary Ann and Fred Jenks agreed.

Vans jostled guests (who left their cars at the head of the canyon) down the narrow country-in-the-city lane. Newlyweds Sue and Rich Lundgren and Sue and Jon Kohl (leaving 2-week-old Kristin at home) arrived together after the pre-party at the home of the Steven Durbins. More in the crowd, lots dancing to Ramon and the L.A. Band, were Carolyn Milner and Ross Spear, Chuck Cale (with a Hopi bolo tie; Jessie was at home with the new 10-day-old baby), John and Jane Campbell, Cathy and Tim Macker, Matt (his ostrich-skin boots were too tight) and Mary Jane Lepo, Nancy and Ray McCullough, Rob and Debbie Barry, Marion and Fred Jenks, Roger and Linda Rhodes, Duane and Lee Jackman, Diane Ouellet, Tom Beyrle and Geneva DeWitt, Dr. Stephen and Ann Ryan, Father Maurice Chase, Rich and Jinny Dalbeck, Armando and Janie De Castro, Michael and Susie Poland, Deanna Crowe with Bob Kahn, Sharon Gotfriedson, Arletta and Don Tronstein, Roger and Linda Rhodes.

Consul General of Sweden Margareta Hegardt entertains at a reception Friday at her Beverly Hills home to celebrate Swedish National Day.


Luscious strawberries, we hear, were groomed for the Huntington Library Friends’ Day party this week. Chairman of the women’s committee Eleanor McLain (Mrs. Millard) and co-chairmen Betty (Mrs. Richard) Keatinge and Eleanor (Mrs. William) Sidenfaden had every flower in order, too, for about 1,000 invited Friends. Among the many planning the affair were Hannah G. Bradley, Margaret Metcalf and Anne Crotty. Since 1939 the annual Friends Day has been held on the first Monday in June.

And more Huntington news: Marion Jorgensen has announced three new members of the Board of Overseers. They’re Fred L. Hartley, chairman of Unocal; James P. Miscoll, executive vice president, Southern California, Bank of America, and Nancy (Mrs. Charles) Munger, prominent in community efforts.

KUDOS: To indefatigable Lucy (Mrs. Homer) Toberman, presented the Humanitarian Award at graduation ceremonies at Los Angeles City College. . . . To USC professor, Dr. Victor Goodhill, recipient of the Torch of Learning Award at the Hebrew University’s celebration at the Beverly Hilton. Sally Struthers emceed. Dr. Franklin D. Murphy presented the award. Dr. Seth Weingarten, chairman of American Friends of the Hebrew University’s Medical Division, called the otologist a “healer, patron of the arts, humanitarian, philanthropist and benefactor”. . . .


Traveling pair Harry and Shirley Gray from Caltech were the guests of Gov. Richard Riley in Charleston, S. C., for the Spoleto Festival, USA, a round of concerts, opera, ballets, plays and cuisine linking Spoleto and Charleston. Festival director and composer Gian Carlo Menotti invited them for a special dinner. Menotti is celebrating his 75th birthday.

The American Lung Assn. hosts the luncheon at Perino’s Monday sponsoring the birth of the Emphysema Foundation. Assuming the presidency of the newly organized group is Walter P. Coombs. Among the many involved are President Emeritus John C. Cosgrove, Mrs. Glenarvon Behymer, Robert R. Barry, Mrs. Robert Brant, Mrs. Willard Brown, Mrs. Thurmond Clarke, George Egan, Douglas Hallett, Mrs. Harold McAlister, Delos McDonald, Odell McConnell, William Paullin, Dr. Jack Peltason, Paul Sampsell, James Swinden, Homer Toberman, Mrs. Will Ward and Mrs. Warren B. Williamson.

Past Tense: Dr. Donald Kennedy, president of Stanford University, was the guest speaker at the dinner Alice Tyler hosted to award the Tyler Ecology-Energy Prize to Dr. Werner Stumm and Dr. Richard A. Vollenweider for their achievements in aquatic science. The occasion for 150 at Chasen’s was the 13th annual Tyler Prize dinner. Each of the Tyler laureates receives a gold medallion and $75,000. The prize, established by Mrs. Tyler and her husband, the late John C. Tyler, is the largest and most prestigious international award in environmental science. It’s administered by USC. Among guests were Jimmy and Gloria Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Don DeFore, Mrs. Omar Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartley and artist Pascal. More were the Craig Blacks, the Beaumont Bianchis, Ted and Rhonda (Fleming) Mann, the Gerald Oppenheimers, Margaret Pereira and David Rose, Jean Trousdale and Harry Ross.
