

Thompson-Wolf’s letter struck at the heart of this cinematic miscasting mess. These sniveling zombies, brooding and cavorting through “youth angst “ films like “St. Elmo’s Fire,” have been granted the opportunity to enrich themselves and deaden moviegoer’s minds solely due to their being offspring of well-connected parents.

Pseudo-actors like Tom Cruise, Emilio Estevez and the slightly talented Sean Penn are thrust on hapless film viewers, while myopic studio press machines tout them as being revolutionary interpreters of the soul of American Youth.

Why don’t Cruise, Estevez and Matthew Broderick take their similarly untalented girlfriends and do a few stints behind the counter at the corner 7-Eleven?


Then they could mingle with real, working college-going young people. Slow nights next to the slush puppy machine could be spent studying acting manuals or practicing realistic facial movements.

As that original struggling self-styled America’s son, Stallone, might say, “Nepotism is a disease. Talent is the cure.”


Redondo Beach
