
Arcadia : Moratorium to Expire

A moratorium on new subdivisions in a 33-acre area in southeastern Arcadia where most residents keep horses is scheduled to expire Friday. The 45-day ban was passed May 6 after property owners in the area protested that recent proposals for subdivisions would reduce lot size and have an adverse effect on existing horse properties. A petition had asked that minimum lot size in the area be raised from the current 7,500 square feet to 30,000 square feet.

On a 2-2 vote this week, the City Council failed to extend the moratorium for 10 months so the city staff could have more time to study the issue. Proponents of the moratorium sought the extension but failed to get the necessary four votes because Councilman Charles Gilb was absent and Councilman Robert Harbicht decided to change his vote. Harbicht suggested leaving the zoning as is but including a requirement that horses on adjoining lots not be affected by a development. He said that solution would protect both the horse owners and the rights of residents who want to subdivide their properties.
