
‘Pass-to-Play’ School Grade Bill Voted by Senate Panel

From a Times Staff Writer

The Senate Education Committee on Wednesday approved Democratic Assembly Speaker Willie Brown’s “pass-to-play” bill to require students in grades seven to 12 to maintain a C average to be eligible for most extracurricular activities.

A 6-1 vote sent the bill to the Senate floor.

Although students would be required to maintain a C average, the measure would give school boards the authority to permit probationary periods for students who do not meet the grading standard to remain eligible for sports and activities such as band, drama and drill team, provided that they work to improve their grades.

The bill is based upon a stricter Los Angeles Unified School District policy that excludes from extracurricular activity any student who receives a failing grade.


The Senate previously approved a similar “pass-to-play” bill by Sen. Joseph B. Montoya (D-Whittier). His measure does not contain the probationary period provision.
