
‘Stop the Rocks’ Bill Weakened

We the people no longer are represented in Sacramento; only the special interest groups are. When legislators need our vote to remain in office they talk to us but do not listen, understand or care for our needs. The case in point is the bill brought before the State Transportation Committee by Assemblyman Richard Katz, to have all rock, gravel, sand and dirt trucks covered, so as to stop the rocks and sand from breaking our windshields and sand blasting our cars as we drive on the freeways and streets of California.

This transportation committee refused to pass this law, a law to protect us the people. We the people who are hurt both physically and monetarily do not matter. The special interest groups and their lobbyists representing the trucking industry have more power than the public as their funds are greater in support of these legislators than those of the voting public.

Assemblyman Katz seems to be a legislator who cares for all the people of California. I hope he will continue this fight on our behalf to have these trucks covered and I hope other assemblymen will have the courage to join with him. It is a poor government that cares for itself before it cares for the public it is supposed to represent.



