
Regan’s Remarks About Diamonds

I am 16 years old. I am writing on behalf of myself, my mother and my grandmothers, three generations whom White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan has insulted with his callous remark.

I would like to thank him for his colorful insight on how highly he holds human honesty, intelligence and compassion. He implied that Americans will not allow sanctions on South Africa because American women cannot do without their diamonds.

How can Regan insult the women of this nation by stating that we believe human life has a price? Instead of making petty excuses for why the government has not stood up to this barbaric society known as apartheid, he should channel his energies toward big business to impose sanctions.


What will it take for him to understand that the majority of the American people do not condone the oppressiveness of apartheid? It seems that this nation’s people hold human life and human rights at much higher values than Regan can comprehend.


Los Angeles
