
Beach Signs to Warn of Bacteria Hazard

Precautionary signs will be posted Monday warning the public not to swim near five beach-area storm drains, although the type of bacteria found at the drains poses no serious health problem, county health officials said.

State standards specify that more than 1,000 coliform organisms per 100 milliliters of water can pose a health threat. The Department of Health Services found that at five of nine storm drains tested recently, the 1,000 organisms per 100 mls. standard was far exceeded.

But Leonard Mushin, the health department’s water pollution chief, said that the bacteria was from normal runoff from streets and yards, rather than from human waste, and therefore posed no health risk. He said the signs are being posted primarily to ease the public’s concern and to remind people not to play near a storm drain.


The signs will be posted near four storm drains in Santa Monica and one at Redondo Beach. The signs say: “Warning. Ocean water within 25 yards of storm drain may be contaminated. Avoid contact.”
