
Great Place in Ensenada

My husband and I noticed an item in Jerry Hulse’s Travel Tips (May 11) on the Baja Ensenada beachfront condominiums described in Ben Hunter’s book, “The Baja Feeling.” We have to agree with all the nice things he had to say since we are regulars and enjoy the amenities at least twice a year.

The houses are fully maintained and equipped and, being right on the beach, the biggest decision of the day can be whether to walk north on the beach or south to have great waffles on the patio at the Estero Beach Hotel.

We’ve always had delicious dinners at Casa Mar and Tigers Cave restaurants, and we’ve barbecued at the condo while watching an unbelievable sunset over Todo Santos Bay.


Nancy Murray even had fresh flowers in our house and wood laid in the fireplace ready to light. It really is one of the most relaxing places.

For information contact Nancy Murray at (619) 481-6099 or P.O. Box 970, Del Mar 92014. Rates range from $75 to $115 per night.


San Diego
