
Blood Supply Sufficient for at Least 1 More Week, Red Cross Says

Times Staff Writer

Despite a strike by Red Cross nurses that has dramatically cut blood collections, Orange County’s blood supply remains sufficient for “at least another week,” a Red Cross official said Wednesday.

“Obviously, we’re not collecting as much as we normally collect, but luckily supplies are good at this time of the year,” said Sylvia Fanton, a spokeswoman for the American Red Cross chapter in Orange County.

Blood collection levels dropped by two-thirds on Monday, the first day of the nurses’ strike, as two other blood donation offices were closed and the week’s bloodmobile appearances in Orange County were canceled.


About 225 nurses are participating in the strike against the Red Cross in Orange and Los Angeles counties, which has slowed blood donations throughout the region. Fanton said about 60 of the striking nurses work in Orange County.

Before the nurses walked out in their job action seeking more money and a higher nurse-to-patient ratio, some Orange County hospital officials predicted that a strike might make it necessary to cancel elective surgeries.

Fanton said that Red Cross blood collection centers and bloodmobiles in Orange County usually gather about 440 to 590 units--each slightly less than a pint--a day.


On Monday, Orange County’s main blood donor center at 601 N. Golden Circle Drive in Santa Ana closed early after only 33 units were collected.

On Tuesday, only 55 units were collected at the same office, down from the 100 units anticipated by Red Cross officials. Wednesday’s total rose slightly to 67 units, Fanton said.

Despite the sharp decrease in donations, blood supplies remain sufficient locally, Fanton said.


“Our shelves remain well-stocked and we’re continuing to restock hospital shelves as needed,” she said.

Before the strike, supplies in both counties were considered good. About 18,000 units are available on shelves at Red Cross storage offices in the two-county area, she said.

“That amount is sufficient for at least a week,” Fanton said.

She said the Red Cross’ Santa Ana office is fully staffed with 14 non-union nurses and two supervisory nurses. Blood collection hours there will be from 8:30 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Friday, which is the collection center’s normal closing time on Fridays.
