

Celebrities, get out your no-skid shoes and monogrammed shirts--Brunswick is constructing lanes for 26 episodes of “The New Celebrity Bowling.” The show will be taped at KCET, but will be syndicated commercially in the fall, according to producer Joe Siegman, who also helmed the original “Celebrity Bowling” (c. 1970-77). And there will be a new look--”the ‘Miami Vice’ of bowling shows.”

Why the revamp? Siegman pointed to National Bowling Council figures claiming more than 70 million bowlers, plus the approach of the 1988 Summer Olympics--where bowling will debut as a demonstration sport.

On the old show, such celebrities as Carroll O’Connor, Angie Dickinson, Susan Saint James and former champ George Foreman lined up in teams of two vs. two for prizes given to the studio audience (top prize: a new car). The same basic format will be used again, with “Santa Barbara” soap star Jed Allan returning as host.


Among the top bowlers from the old days: Michael Cole and Tige Andrews (from “Mod Squad”), Jimmie Walker, Gabe Kaplan and Roy Rogers.

Since celebs earn scale pay, Siegman anticipates three types: “Those who (want) a chance to be themselves, well-known celebrities who want to have fun, and those who’ll do anything to get on a show.”
