
Rep. Dornan and ‘Golden Turkeys’

What a clever, though hardly original, idea to give Rep. Robert K. Dornan the “Golden Turkey” award for saying “no” to the $87.5-billion transportation rip-off. Perhaps the Democratic Party should now consider itself a “service organization” rather than a “political party.”

I think the Orange County Republican Party ought to offer a similar service to the Democratic Party. The Republicans ought to periodically offer a “Golden Tax & Spend Card” award to big-spending elected Democratic representatives in Washington and Sacramento.

Wait a minute, the Orange County Democrats don’t have any elected representatives in Sacramento or Washington. Thanks to Congressman Dornan, who knocked the last two of their “Golden Turkeys” right out of their offices.


Keep up the good work, and maybe someday all of California will have the same wonderful success rate that the Orange County Democratic Party currently enjoys.


Santa Ana
