

. . . We’re used to Robert Osborne, the Hollywood Reporter’s “Rambling Reporter,” dishing out gossip about stars--without naming them. Now it’s entire films: He repeated the alleged “bad verbal battering” of an upcoming picture’s script, sound, production detail, performances and direction--without ever giving a title. Mumbling Reporter?

. . . Sounded like a bad joke: A recent arson fire at the Pussycat Theater in Whittier resulted in the destruction of prints of “Crazy With the Heat” and “Wendy the Electric Lady.”

. . . FTD went against stereotype when it cast burly ex-gridder Merlin Olsen as its flower spokesman. But why--in the spots for National Secretaries Week--did FTD have to portray secretaries as squealing ninnies?

. . . For the record, “Hill Street Blues” regular Megan Gallagher--quoted here recently on her plans following the show’s run--is not Meg E. Gallagher, once of “Dallas” and a former Close-Up toothpaste girl.
