
L.A. College Trustee Proposes Doubling Members’ Salaries

Times Education Writer

A Los Angeles community college trustee on Wednesday proposed doubling board members’ salaries to $2,000 a month, even though severe financial difficulties have prevented district employees from receiving a raise for the last three years.

The motion, submitted by Trustee Arthur Bronson, came at the end of a lengthy board meeting, a major portion of which was devoted to hearing a guardedly optimistic report on the district’s financial prospects for the coming fiscal year.

Thomas A. Fallo, vice chancellor for business services, told the board that additional state money will make it possible for the district to balance its budget for the 1987-88 fiscal year beginning July 1. The district had earlier projected an $8-million deficit.


“Things look so much better now,” Bronson, a retired Arco executive, said in an interview after the budget presentation. He said that board members deserve a raise because they spend an increasing amount of time in meetings. He noted that other college districts, such as San Diego, pay higher trustee salaries than Los Angeles does, even though Los Angeles, with about 96,000 students, is the largest in the state.

Encourage Candidates

He also argued that the proposed increase might encourage qualified people to run for the board.

Bronson said other board members encouraged him to introduce the pay-raise proposal. The issue will not come up for a vote until July 1--two weeks before three new trustees who have been critical of current district management take office.


Last June, a similar proposal was offered by board member Harold Garvin but was withdrawn when it became apparent that it lacked sufficient support.

Trustee Lindsay Conner said Wednesday he was uncertain how many of his colleagues plan to support Bronson’s proposal, but he was adamant that he would fight it.

“I thought it was a terrible idea (last year), and I am still opposed to it,” he said.
