

Costa Mesa residents recently were asked to rate the types of programming they would most like to see on cable TV community access channels. 1,441 people responded to the survey conducted by the city’s cable television committee.

Programs they would watch on a regular basis:

Movie classics 47% Travel 27% Arts 26% “How-to” programs 21% Business/finance 20% Local sports 20% Civic/political 20% Fitness/health 19% Children 14% Science/math 13%

Programs they would watch occasionally:

1. Safety/emergency preparation 2. “How-to” programs 3. Travel 4. Civic/political 5. Fitness/health 6. Business/finance 7. Library presentations 8. Science/math 9. Local sports 10. Movie classics


Of the respondents, 91% said at least one member of their household would watch community access channels between 5 and 11 p.m., while 37% said one or more people would watch in the afternoon and 26% said someone would watch in the morning. The survey results are used by the city-appointed cable television committee in reviewing grant proposals for public access programming. The committee makes recommendations to the City Council on allocating grant money.
