
Israel and Palestinians

At the recently concluded ADL National Executive Committee meetings the following resolution was adopted:

“The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith reaffirms its support for the people and government of Israel. We stand with our brothers and sisters who are redeeming Zion and seeking to maintain a free and just society in the tradition of our forefathers. We call on the government and people of Israel to remain strong in their resolve to preserve civil order in a firm and reasonable fashion and not to yield to the violence of the street and those who would seek to impose their will by threats and pressure.

“Israel has stood ready to meet its neighbors in direct and constructive negotiations to achieve a way of living together in peace. Until all Arab states come to accept Israel as a free and legitimate state reflecting the historic rights of the Jewish people, Israel must recognize the dangers it faces and be vigilant to defend its existence. We know that when the hand of true peace is offered to it, Israel will grasp it eagerly and firmly. We pledge our firm support for Israel and for the justice of Israel’s cause.”



National Chairman

Anti-Defamation League

Los Angeles
