
Defense and Deficit Debate

If a proposed $300-billion military budget for 1988-89 is holding “defense hostage” what does Cordesman propose--that we throw all the rest of the nation’s priorities into the trash can and concentrate on the more wasteful overpriced nonproductive manufacture of weapons of war which become obsolete even before they can be utilized?

Shall we dump more of the mentally ill into the streets, close our eyes to the homeless, the aged, the sick and the unemployed? Shall we give up on the war against hunger, disease, ignorance and illiteracy? Which priorities must we surrender to satisfy the mad urge to lead the world’s weapons race, which ultimately leads nowhere but to death and destruction?

Come on now, Mr. Cordesman, since you are an expert on the devil’s death-dealing weapons, how about a lesson on the weapons for God-given life?



Santa Monica
