
Replacement for Montijo : Field Narrowed for Housing Commission Director

Times Staff Writer

San Diego housing commissioners Friday winnowed to four the number of candidates for the vacant executive director’s job, including Acting Executive Director Elizabeth Morris.

The decision followed a day of interviews with seven candidates recommended by Sacramento-based consultants Ralph Andersen and Associates for the position that opened when Executive Director Ben Montijo was ousted in February, 1987.

San Diego City Councilman Ron Roberts, who is also chairman of the Housing Commission, said the seven commissioners hope to pick a new head of the agency within a month. The commission, which has 140 employees and an annual budget of $49 million, oversees the city’s public housing and helps landlords rehabilitate homes for low-income people.


Recent Turmoil

Its recent past has been marked by turmoil centering on Montijo, whose contract was not renewed after news accounts raised questions about his handling of a bid to renovate the 122-unit Island Gardens Apartments in Southeast San Diego.

However, an 18-month FBI probe cleared Montijo of any criminal violations. Montijo, who is now head of the housing commission in Kansas City, Mo., plans to file a lawsuit this month seeking reinstatement on the grounds the city wrongfully terminated him and breached his contract.

Montijo has also asked the San Diego County grand jury to investigate the release of his personal tax documents by Mayor Maureen O’Connor’s office to The Times last year. Roberts said Montijo’s bid to win back his job was not discussed with applicants Friday.


Looking for Experience

“We’re looking for experience,” said District 4 Councilman Wes Pratt, another housing commissioner. “We’re looking for an individual who has good organizational ability. We’ve just come through a period of turmoil, and we need someone who’s going to demonstrate leadership and organizational ability.”

In addition to Morris, who has run the agency since March, 1987, the finalists are Evan Becker, assistant executive director for development of the Norfolk, Va., Redevelopment and Housing Authority; Vicki Elmer, assistant city manager for planning and community development in Berkeley, and Bruce Moore, executive director of the Housing Authority of Monterey County.
