
Consider the Victims

More jails are a necessity--not an option. Mr. Perrello and Mr. Landon have obviously never been victims of crime, only paid defenders of those criminals who commit them.

Their commentary (“Crisis Behind Bars: Building More Jails a Poor Solution to the Crime Problem,” April 10) was nearly half a page--complete with an illustration of a bulging jail. Maybe it should have been a picture illustrating the fear in someone’s eyes as they are being held with a gun pointed at their head--by a criminal. Could they have made their point then?

Crime is definitely out of hand in San Diego. Criminals are released in mass numbers because of no jail space, many are not even arrested because police officers know that they will be released in less than the two hours it takes for them to complete the necessary paper work.


Criminals are aware of this fact. Even those who may not be criminals as yet may weigh the penalty for a particular crime before they commit it and do so because there are no substantial repercussions.

We already know from experience that the number of crimes committed is less when the penalty is raised. The percentage of all other crimes has tremendously risen--why not?

They suggest other cost-effective programs for criminals. These may be fine for tax evaders and drunk drivers, but what about the real criminals? The murderers, rapists and thieves. Many of whom are arrested for “minor” offenses (possession of drugs or weapons) and are promptly released so they can get on with murdering, raping and stealing.


They accuse San Diegans of being deceived by politicians. The politicians do not put enough emphasis on this problem! I know--I have been a victim! My attacker kidnaped, raped, assaulted and almost killed me. Something that may have been prevented had he been punished for all of the “minor” crimes prior. But, there was no room at the inn.

How many Gary Taschners and Jerry Gallos must we have before this is stopped? How many lives have to be ended or destroyed? How long will it take the public to realize the political strength and deception that is provided by criminal defense attorneys who are afraid of what will happen if we take the measures necessary to reduce crime permanently?

It amazes me how we can all work together to give one woman a new heart and rescue one baby from a well, but we can’t save just one of the thousands of needless crime victims. Chances are it will eventually be you or someone you love.



San Diego
