

Arguments for an Elizabeth Dole-George Bush GOP ticket were excellent and could certainly add spice and class to the presidential race (“If Bush Wants to Be Smart and Act Bold, He’ll Put a (Mrs.) Dole on Ticket,” by Ellen Goodman, Op-Ed Page, April 5).

However, there is another experienced and capable woman in the wings: Jeane Kirkpatrick. Knowledgeable, lucid, feisty, with firm, well-thought out convictions and a strong record of public service, she would be an exciting contrast to the gentlemanly, patrician George Bush.

She is an unmistakeable leader, a powerful speaker and writer. Controversial? Yes, but a welcome relief from months of “nice-guy blahs.” The national mood is conservative, and her strengths may just fire up some responses in an indifferent nation sick of wishy-washiness.



Loma Linda
