
Orange Teachers Are Defended

On April 12, the teachers of the Orange Unified School District held a one-day strike for the first time in 35 years. The reasons for this strike were many and varied. Of course we want a pay raise and a continuation of adequate fringe benefits. However, we want far more than this.

We want the citizens of this community to be aware of how their tax dollars are spent. We want them to work to elect officials who will strive to make the education and well-being of our young people their highest priority. And we want to be treated with the honor and respect that we deserve.

I am a parent, a grandparent and a teacher of young children. Since joining this school district in 1970, I have been witness to the steady deterioration in the educational programs we have been able to offer our students. At the elementary school level, we no longer have any music or physical education teachers. There are just a few left on the nursing staff for the entire school district. Many buildings are unsafe, poorly cleaned and in need of repair. Class sizes are far too large.


There are not enough teachers or materials for the non-English-speaking students to help them learn English. Recently we were informed that for the 1988-89 school year, we will lose about 50% of our teacher aides and that our fund for supplies will be further reduced.

In addition to all this, teachers are overworked, underpaid and too many times held responsible for the many ills in our educational system!

Are we going to work together to see that more of our time, our talents, and our tax money is spent for our children? They are depending on us to help create opportunities for them to live and grow in a healthy and productive society.



