
TV & VIDEO - May 10, 1988

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

NBC’s “Today” show engineering director Bobby Lee Lawrence may think twice before traveling again with the morning show--which this week is cruising through Europe on the Orient Express. On Sunday, Lawrence got off the train to stretch his legs during a brief stop on the French border--and was left behind, sans passport and wallet. A sympathetic conductor on the next train through was able to radio ahead and Lawrence was reunited with the crew. The Express arrived in Paris at 4 a.m. Monday, and disembarking “Today” crew members found the train platform deserted, save for a lone gendarme and his police dog--which tried to attack Lawrence the minute he got off the train. The dog was muzzled, so Lawrence emerged unscathed.
