
The Nation - News from May 10, 1988

A Senate subcommittee chairman challenged the counselor to Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III to detail any inaccuracies in the panel’s bipartisan report criticizing Meese’s involvement with scandal-plagued Wedtech Corp. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) sent William Bradford Reynolds a copy of the 244-page report, urging him in a letter to “kindly inform us” of any incorrect information. The report accuses Meese of violating White House ethics policy. Reynolds, appearing on the CBS News program “Face the Nation” Sunday, branded the report as “sleaze,” and said the policy went into effect after “the Wedtech thing was referred over to the attorney general.” But the Senate report noted that Wedtech memos from his friend E. Robert Wallach came to then-White House counselor Meese in 1982 as well as in 1981. The White House policy barring staff contact with procurement officers about a contract in which a friend has a financial interest took effect in October, 1981.
