
Theater-Dining Guide Will Reach Out Beyond Limits of South Coast Plaza : RETAILING

Compiled by Mary Ann Galante, Times staff writer

South Coast Plaza is drumming up support for its “Taste the Theatre Dining Experience” with new potential advertisers.

Warner Escher, South Coast Plaza’s director of public affairs, said the pocket-size restaurant guide will be open this year to restaurants in the South Coast area that are not located in projects owned by C.J. Segerstrom & Sons.

The guide generated considerable interest when it was disclosed that the Orange County Performing Arts Center and South Coast Repertory Theatre had given Segerstrom free access to their patron mailing lists.


The center normally provides its list only to nonprofit arts groups, while the repertory charges about $1,300 for copies of its list. The Segerstrom family is a major contributor to both groups.

Escher, who solicits restaurants to participate in the guide, said last year’s guide listed by name every restaurant in South Coast Plaza, the Crystal Court annex, South Coast Plaza Village and Town Center. Restaurants that wanted expanded listings--including a description of their menu items and a locater map--had the option of paying $489 apiece.

“It was an educational piece . . . to enlarge and expand on the theater-dining experience,” Escher said.


But only those in Segerstrom projects were included.

This year, support seems to be a little soft. So Escher will soon be sending a second mailing to potential advertisers, including restaurants not in Segerstrom projects.

That will mean, for instance, that eateries like Red Robin Burger & Spirits Emporium--within two blocks of the arts center but not in a Segerstrom shopping center--will be asked to participate. Others on Escher’s list include Gemmell’s, the restaurants in the Holiday Inn and the Red Lion Inn, and Brandon’s at the Beverly Heritage Hotel--all of which are too new to have been in last year’s guide, he said.

“I really didn’t appreciate the magnitude and diversity of other restaurants in the area,” he said. “A number of people talked to me about it and said, ‘Why don’t we include these restaurants. So they’ll all be listed.”


Since the guide will be printed in color this year, those who want the expanded listings probably will be asked to shell out close to $1,000, depending on the cost.

Escher can count on at least one satisfied customer this year. Forty Carrots, a restaurant at South Coast Plaza, plans on repeating its extended listing in the new guide. “It helped last year,” said owner Jim Parvin. “I feel strongly that it’s a good vehicle for us all.”
