
Candidates Clash in First TV Debate

I’ve solved the problem to the candidates’ evasion of the debate questions. It’s fast, easy and effective: a trapdoor.

Imagine Bush dragging out the by now overdone filler of “a thousand points of light” when BLAM! Down goes the trapdoor, as triggered by the moderator, and down goes a humiliated Bush, sinking instantaneously before a live audience and a viewing audience of millions.

Or Dukakis when a question about foreign policy turns into a reply about his immigrant parents, KER-FLAP! Down it goes a second time, leaving the 5’-8” Dukakis barely able to pull himself back onto the floor to be told by the moderator, “You have 10 more seconds, Mr. Dukakis.”


Finally, our candidate/debaters, living on the brink of the humiliation of a lifetime should they begin to avoid a direct answer, will begin to give us some straight answers.


West Hollywood
