
Food for Thought

We were pleased to see our book, “Cheap Eats in Paris: The 1988-89 Guide to 104 Inexpensive Restaurants, Brasseries and Bistros,” by Sandra A. Gustafson, reviewed in “Booking Time for Travel Adventures” (Sept. 11). However, the use of only a partial title, “Cheap Eats,” in the review left the impression that our book was a guide to food in France. The full title has been the same for our three editions and the book has a wide and solid reputation as a dependable guide to inexpensive food in Paris.

It’s distressing to think your readers may have gotten an erroneous notion of what our book covers. The book is $6.95 at selected bookstores. However, to order by mail your readers can write to Cobble & Mickle Books, P.O. Box 3521, San Diego 92103-0160. (California residents must add 45 cents for tax.)


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San Diego
