

Hot Topic responses gathered by Chris Bergerud, Kimberly Carter, Kyra Kirkwood, Stephan Lee, Rebecca Leung, Jason Loeb, Heather Orey, Hai Pham and Jana Swail

Everybody has imagined what it would be like to be somebody else, even for just a minute or two. Maybe you would like to take the place of your school’s top athlete or prettiest cheerleader. Perhaps you would prefer to change places with a world leader or a rock star.

Hot Topics wonders, “If you were able to wake up tomorrow morning in the body of somebody else, would you do so? Whom would you pick and why that person?”

“Diego Armando Maradona--I admire his great soccer skills.”

Andres Juarez, 17,

junior, Dana Hills

“No one, because nobody’s perfect. I’ll just keep working on the one I have.”

Julie Coontz, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“Anyone who already understands calculus.”

Drew Brislen, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“No one, because up to now, I’m still quite happy being who I am.”

Robert Van Dijk, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“Michael Jordan, because he is a great basketball player, he’s a millionaire, and after his playing days are over, he can do whatever he wants.”


Tim Pieper, 16,

sophomore, Estancia

“No one; I wouldn’t want to wake up and not be myself. I’m happy with who I am.”

Kendra Pierce, 16,

junior, Estancia

“No one, because everybody is a different person and everybody has problems.”

Oliver Pougnand, 15,

senior, Estancia

“John Lennon, because he stood for peace.”

Stefan Daverns, 17,

senior, Fullerton

“I don’t want to be anyone else because I don’t want to adapt to a new life style.”

Laura Block, 16,

sophomore, Fullerton

“I would like to remain myself because right now, I’m happy.”

Sheri Willes, 14,

freshman, Fullerton

“I wouldn’t like to be anyone but me.”

Mary Moskowitz, 15,

sophomore, Laguna Beach

“The First Lady of the United States, Barbara Bush, because I could live in the White House, meet foreign leaders and travel around the world.”

Suzy Lane, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“Arnold Schwarzenegger, because he is tall, good-looking, extremely muscular and very rich.”

Steve Krulik, 16,

junior, Laguna Hills

“Michael Jordan, because he is the best basketball player and he likes to play golf. He’s a 5-handicap. Amazing. He also makes a lot of money.”


Shoji Nishimura, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“Spiro T. Agnew--one of the best true politicians; he introduced the now-common idea of corrupt government.”

Dan Pinneaux, 16,

junior, Laguna Hills

“Joe Montana, because I’d like to play in the Super Bowl and I admire him a lot.”

Julian Kingston, 16,

junior, Laguna Hills

“Donald Trump, so I could have the power and the wealth to do whatever I want.”

Graham Whitted, 17,

senior, University

“Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis--I’d like to have all of her money and recognition.”

Kelly Russell, 14,

freshman, University

“Scarlett O’Hara before the Civil War, because she ‘hadn’t a care in the world.’ ”

Amanda Tarpley, 18,

senior, University

“Donald Bren, because he is very wealthy.”

Gabe Taborda, 17,

senior, University

“Ronald Reagan.”

Shannon Rudie, 17,

senior, Valencia

“Janet Evans--a world-class athlete.”

Mickey Doi, 16,

junior, Valencia

“Heather Locklear, because then I would never have to exercise again.”

Debbie Leiva, 18,

senior, Villa Park

“A sex goddess, like Marilyn Monroe when she was alive, so then I could walk around school and watch all the guys drool.”

Jen Marchese, 16,

junior, Villa Park

“I’d like to wake up as someone married to a hot guy, so I could come back to my 10-year reunion and make all my classmates jealous.”


Holly Deibel, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“Elvis Presley, so I can see how he lived and what it was like to be famous.”

Kirstan Kirkwood, 15,

sophomore, Villa Park

“Anyone totally rich so I could buy a new, dark-blue Prelude with a sun roof.”

Barbra Caliendo, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“No one; I would be myself because I believe in making the best of what I’ve got.”

Wayne Goss, 15,

sophomore, Western

“Pele, because he was, and always will be, the greatest soccer player to ever live.”

Gino Alvarino, 18,

senior, Western

“I would not want to be anyone else because no matter how bad you think you are, you are you.”

Michelle Flores, 15,

sophomore, Western
