
Serial Killer Bundy’s Execution and Death Penalty Controversy

What led Bundy on his murderous rampage, where up to 100 unsuspecting, young women may have been his victims? Pornography? The thrill of danger? The feeling of total power and domination over someone? I doubt it.

Bundy was a freak of nature, a mutation, a “bad seed.” He was literally a “killing machine,” born to murder, like those creatures in “Alien.” No amount of counseling or love or psychological therapy could have prevented his brutal acts, as how can you cure a person with no conscience? In fact, contrary to being abused or deprived, he had all the advantages life could offer: good looks, a charming personality, a college education, a loving family environment. So where did Bundy go wrong?

The fact is, he didn’t go wrong, he was just born a time bomb destined at some point in time to explode. There was no way his acts could have been prevented. The only way to stop monsters like Ted Bundy is the old fashioned way: the death penalty.



