
OCC Speech, Debate Team Wins 4th Title

Orange Coast College’s speech and debate team has achieved its fourth national championship in 10 years in the National Community College Speech Tournament.

Orange Coast team members also won top honors in overall excellence, theater, impromptu speaking, team debate and other categories. Coaches Kat Carroll and Norm Fricker also received awards at the contest, held April 1 to Saturday in Concord in Contra Costa County.

“This puts the cap on a truly outstanding season,” Carroll said. “In past years we’ve won the title with outstanding individual speakers. This year’s team featured a lot of new, inexperienced members. We didn’t have any superstars. We won with hard work and depth.”


The speech and debate team will offer a free public reprise of its winning performances at 7:30 p.m. May 13.

The presentation will be held in the Fine Arts Recital Hall on the Costa Mesa campus.
