
Big Flat Cats Being Landed at Salton Sea

The Salton Sea is famous for its orangemouth corvina, but anglers fishing where the Alamo River enters the sea are experiencing some of the best flathead catfish fishing in years.

Jerry Netzley of Poor Richard’s Bait and Tackle called it “the best bite I’ve seen,” and said the fish are averaging better than 20 pounds. One of the biggest ones, however, was the 38-pounder caught by San Bernardino’s Robert Jackson.

WILLOW BEACH--Striped bass bite very good, with several weighing more than 20 pounds. Trout slow, best upriver.


LAKE MEAD--Striped bass bite vastly improved, mainly in lower basin. Fish biting at 35-50 feet. Anchovies best bet. Other species slow.

LAKE HAVASU--Striped bass bite fairly consistent, primarily on surface. Mornings and evenings best. Bigger fish biting on anchovies at 40-45 feet. Largemouth bass biting on surface mornings, moving into deeper water in coves during day. Catfish biting on mackerel at 25-30 feet.

BULLHEAD CITY--Striped bass biting in river, averaging two-four pounds. Drifting anchovies best bet. Trout to four pounds biting in river. Catfish bite best in lake, averaging two-five pounds, biting on most baits.


SALTON SEA--Orangemouth corvina biting at Niland and Red Hill, averaging 15-20 pounds. Bank fishermen doing best at North Shore jettie. Flathead catfish bite excellent near the Alamo River. Live goldfish or tilapia working best. Croaker bite best at Bombay Beach and Desert Shores. Sargo and tilapia slow.

LAKE CACHUMA--Trout fishing best near dam. Trollers using three-six colors; bait fishermen using crank baits at 20-30 feet. Largemouth bass spotty, best in shallows at east end. Red-ear perch picking up, biting best at east end. Catfish averaging 12 pounds, biting best in evenings; night fishermen doing well from shore. Crappie slow.

PYRAMID LAKE--Striped bass bite good, but require time. Ron Morgan, Frazier Park, nine-pound striper, released. Largemouth bass fairly active along weed lines and rocky points. Tim Flanigan, Canyon Country, five- and 4 1/2-pound bass, released. Catfish biting at 60-80 feet. Richard Scott, Los Angeles, 9 1/2-pound catfish, caught at Yellow Bar. Crappie and bluegill action fair. Trout biting from surface to 10 feet.


LAKE PIRU--Catfish biting best at north end, averaging five pounds. Trout biting throughout lake, best at dam.

IRVINE LAKE--Catfish providing most action, biting best at the flats. Sal Navarro, Corona, 30 3/4-pound catfish. Trout biting on Power Bait and small lures. Best in Sierra Cove, along the buoy line and the Red Cliffs area.

BIG BEAR--Pan-sized trout biting throughout lake on most baits. Largemouth bass slow.

LAKE SILVERWOOD--Striped bass biting everywhere. Dennis Pusch, Hesperia, 19-pound striper, caught in Miller Canyon. Bill Shoaf, Buena Park, 18 1/2-pound striper, caught in Cleghorn Canyon. Al Green Moreno Valley, 15 1/2-pound striper. Richard Cooper, Alta Loma, 16- and 29-pound striper, caught while fishing with guide Greg Silks. Catfish biting at several locations, with dam, Cleghorn and Miller canyons best. Largemouth bass biting on artificials in channel and at Cleghorn area. Crappie and trout fair.

BISHOP AREA--Crowley: Sacramento perch hitting mini-jigs with yellow feather and worm. Best bet for brown trout is trolling with flatfish frog pattern and 3-4 colors. Fish to 3 3/4 pounds. Sabrina: trout biting on most baits, with early mornings and late evenings. Trout at Bishop Creek, Intake II and North Lake biting on worms, flies and small spinners. South Lake: Best on backside, with meal worms working best for brook and brown trout.

JUNE LAKE AREA--Trolling a Dave Davis and nightcrawler most productive in mornings for cutthroat trout to three pounds. Shore fishermen using standard baits also doing well. Gull Lake: Trolling surface flies in mornings and evenings best bet. Silver Lake: Nightcrawlers best bet. Creeks yielding browns to 12 inches, with red salmon eggs or worms working best.

BRIDGEPORT AREA--Rainbows averaging 12-16 inches, biting on Power Bait, small nightcrawlers and Rapalas. Twin Lakes: Several limits of pan-sized rainbows, most coming on Power Bait or bubble-and-fly rig. Virginia Lakes: Some limits of rainbows coming on various baits.


Trout Plants

LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Big Rock Creek, Bouquet Canyon Creek, Castaic Lake, Castaic Lagoon, Crystal Lake, San Gabriel River (East, West and North forks).

RIVERSIDE--Perris Lake, Lake Skinner.

SAN BERNARDINO--Big Bear Lake, Gregory Lake, Santa Ana River and East Fork.

VENTURA--Lake Piru.

INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South Forks and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Georges Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River below Tinemeha and Laws Bridge downstream to Steward Lane, Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Rock Creek (lake to the end of the road), Rock Creek Lake, Shepherds Creek, Taboose Creek, Tinemeha Creek, Tuttle Creek.

MONO--Bridgeport Reservoir, Buckeye Creek, Convict Creek, Convict Lake, Deadman Creek, Ellery Lake, George Lake, Glass Creek, Grant Lake, Gren Creek, Gull Lake, Hilton Creek, June Lake, Lake Mary, Lee Vining Creek (South Fork), Little Walker Lake, Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mamie Lake, Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Reverse Creek, Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Rock Creek Lake), Rush Creek, Saddlebag Creek, Saddlebag Lake, Sherwin Creek, Silver Lake, Swauger Creek, Tioga Lake, Trumbull Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Twin Lakes Mammoth, Virginia Creek, Virginia Lakes, Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker, Leavitt Meadows campground to Sonora Bridge).

KERN--Kern River (Democrat Dam to KR1 powerhouse, Borell powerhouse to Democrat Dam, KR3 powerhouse to Lake Isabella).
