
Good for Goodness

It is good to see healthy, non-polluting bicycling promoted in your Travel Section (“Free Wheeling,” cover story, June 18). In this time of too much news of widely assorted selfishness and disaster, you might wish to note that one man rode his bicycle in 26 1/2 days in May from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., for the good of others.

By his ride, Nathan Reynolds, headmaster of the Westlake School for Girls in Los Angeles, raised over $400,000 for scholarships to his school. Very many bright young women’s lives will be lastingly enriched because at the age of 56, he put his own body on the line for them.

It is also worth noting that all across this country, in sunshine and in hailstorms, he and his wife (driving a support van) met great interest, kindness and encouragement from people along their way. In an often rough world, goodness does still exist.



Santa Monica
