
Duarte : $35.2-Million Budgets OKd

The Duarte City Council last week unanimously approved a $15.2-million city budget and a $20-million Redevelopment Agency budget for the 1989-90 fiscal year.

The city budget includes $2.7 million in capital improvements and funding for an additional sheriff’s patrol car and a gang-prevention program.

“We’re maintaining all levels of city services” including a city-funded curbside recycling program, Finance Director Don Pruyn said. The budget also provides for a senior citizen coordinator to be added to the city staff.


“We’re fortunate that we’re in good enough financial shape that we can actually enhance services,” City Manager Jesse Duff said.

Funds allotted to the Redevelopment Agency would allow the completion of 12 projects. They include the construction of Northview Middle School, a new civic auditorium, and the resurfacing of Huntington Drive.
