
AROUND HOME : New Life for Old Houses : GEORGE STEPHEN (The Preservation Press; 1989)

AS THE PRICES of newer houses keep escalating, buying an older home in less than prime condition--and therefore for less money--has become an increasingly popular idea. The theory goes that the monies saved can, in time, be applied to rehabilitating the structure to one own’s needs and tastes. However, rehabilitation can be a trying and time-consuming process, and neophytes attempting it need all the help they can get, especially if the house has some historic qualities that should be preserved. Offering such help is “New Life for Old Houses,” a literate and well-illustrated step-by-step guide. First published in 1972 under the awkward title of “Remodeling Old Houses Without Destroying Their Character,” the book has been updated and redesigned into an excellent, reasonably priced paperback introduction to the pains and pleasures of rehabilitation. ($12.95)
