
The Nation - News from July 23, 1989

Six people were arrested at Boston’s Logan International Airport after an argument aboard a Continental Airlines flight from Newark, N.J., escalated into a fistfight in the aisles minutes before landing, police said. The pilot of Continental Flight 358 had to pull the DC-9 out of its landing pattern and circle the airport until the combatants returned to their seats. The fight, between a New Jersey couple and a Medford, Mass., family, resumed as the plane taxied to the gate around 5 p.m., officials said. State Trooper James Deyermond said police were unsure what provoked the argument. The suspects will face a variety of charges on arraignment Monday, including interfering with a flight crew, disorderly conduct and assaulting police officers at the gate. The New Jersey couple were released on $150 bond and the Medford family members were released on personal recognizance.
