
Area Roundup : Coto de Caza Will Be the Site of 12K Run Saturday Evening

Midsummer Night’s Dream Run 12-kilometer race will start at 5:45 p.m. on Saturday at Coto de Caza.

The race will be run on a natural-terrain trail and will include a 5K run and stride at 5 p.m. and a one-mile family walk 7 p.m.

Registration will be accepted through Saturday at $19.50, which includes a T-shirt, a post-race fiesta.


Proceeds will benefit the Orange County chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to terminally ill children. Last year the race donated more than $10,000.

For more information, call Dot Michaels at 858-2721. Coto de Caza gates will be open at 2 p.m. for runners and spectators.

An All-star baseball game between the Metropolitan League of Orange County and the Collegiate Summer Baseball Assn. will be played at 4 p.m. Saturday at UC Irvine.


The Metro League consists of players who have recently graduated from high school or are returning college players and the Collegiate Summer Baseball Assn. is open to all ages.

More information, call Ernie Elgas at 835-6293.

The Huntington Beach Community Services will sponsor the Distance Runners Derby on Aug. 12, with entries limited to 500 runners.

The run will start at the Huntington Beach Pier at 7:30 a.m. and have a 10-mile, three-mile race and 1 1/2-mile race.


Before Aug. 3, registration fees will be $5, $10 including T-shirt. Runners who register the morning of the race will be charged $10.

For more information, call 536-5486.
