

As expected, The Times still exhibits the Rostenkowski/Bentsen syndrome with its sour grapes editorial “On Surviving the Medicare Crunch” (Dec. 26).

The catastrophic Medicare surtax law was the first time in history that a single segment of the population was to be required to pay a surtax for a much larger segment who paid nothing, including 2.8 million disabled, 1.2 million spouses of disabled and unknown quantities of AIDS patients.

And it was a 15% surtax! If the average taxpayer were asked to pay even a 1% surtax for something, he would balk. It was no surprise that the grass-roots middle-income elderly taxpayers caused a veritable firestorm of revolt, culminating in repeal of the infamous P.L. 100-360.


National health care, including long-term care, is badly needed but the financial burden must be distributed across the taxpaying public--the same as any tax. It should not wholly burden a small minority.

My only regret is that when President Bush signed the repeal law that there were not fountain pens given to Rep. Dan Rostenkowski (D-Ill.), Sen. Lloyd Bentsen D-Texas), the American Assn. of Retired People and The Times!


