
Foundation Bolts

This letter is a belated response to a question discussed in the Handyman Q&A; “Bolt Mudsills as Quake Precaution” (Jan. 21) on fastening of houses for earthquakes. I feel that I am somewhat of an expert in this field, being part-owner of a company that has been specializing almost exclusively in this area for the past seven years.

Following are what I consider to be key points regarding retrofit fastening of wood-frame structures to their foundations:

--You can never make a house worse by fastening it to its foundation.

--An engineer must be involved to determine what needs to be fastened and strengthened, location of strengthening elements, size of hardware, etc.


--The actual mechanics of installing bolts and other strengthening components is difficult and tedious work that often must be done in areas of very limited access.

--The work can generally be performed almost entirely from underneath the house; some cases may require that part of the work be done from the outside, which then requires refinishing of areas of the exterior.

--The work is extremely cost-effective (compared to potential reduction in damage to the structure). Moreover, many insurance companies and some lenders now require (or strongly urge) fastening of older homes.




Silver is a registered structural engineer.
