
Seminar to Look Back at Latino History in U.S.

Historians and genealogical experts will lead a daylong series of workshops and presentations April 28 at the Bowers Museum. The sixth annual Hispanic Family History Seminar is co-sponsored by the museum’s Mexican-American Arts Council and the Hispanic Family History Research Organization of Riverside.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Lyman D. Platt, author and former director of the Salt Lake City Genealogical Library. Other professionals will include Francisco Xavier de Castano of the Mexican Genealogical Institute, Mexico City, and Spanish experts George R. Ryskamp and Col. Ernesto Montemayor.

The seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants can attend their choice of 15 one-hour workshops on topics ranging from records of the nobility and military to “understanding ancestors as real people.”


The luncheon presentation will be a re-enactment of the 1598 Thanksgiving of Mexican colonists on the banks of the Rio Grande, the first American Thanksgiving recorded by European sources.

Performers will include direct descendants of these colonists, including Pauline Chavez Bent, a Huntington Beach writer and genealogical scholar.

Admission is $20 ($17 for advance registration), not including lunch. For information or to pre-register, call (714) 682-5072 or (714) 894-8161.
