
Welfare Offices

The article by Melanie Stephens and John Suggs (Op-Ed Page, April 9) concerned the Los Angeles County program of reducing the welfare offices from 30 to 15. Here in Sylmar the county even went one better! In their infinite wisdom, the county rented a factory building in a remote area of Sylmar and is in the process of converting this factory into a government office building. This area of Sylmar is not serviced by the RTD and therefore has no bus service. Even if an applicant is fortunate to have someone with a car drive them to this office, there is only sufficient parking for the county workers.

The county is leasing this building and paying rent. Here in Sylmar, the county has many acres of unused land, but they may not suit the county as these locations have bus service.

Might I suggest that if this move of a welfare office to a location not serviced by RTD does not reduce the number of welfare applicants then they should consider other locations in Sylmar that can only be accessed by 4-wheel drive vehicles.



