
VENTURA : Officials Named to Taylor Ranch Panel

Ventura City Councilman Todd Collart and Community Development Director Everett Millais will represent the city on a Cal State University committee that will oversee the development of an environmental impact document for Taylor Ranch, the council decided Monday.

The two were appointed after Cal State invited representatives from all 10 cities in the county, area legislators and community groups that support or oppose the development of a four-year university at Taylor Ranch, a 450-acre hillside bluff west of the city of Ventura.

Collart has remained neutral on the issue, which has brought a storm of protests from those opposing the additional burden on traffic and water.


The university has so far received confirmation to participate on the committee from state Sens. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) and Ed Davis (R-Northridge), and Assembly members Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) and Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley), said John Smart, university vice chancellor.
